Mark Cuban

It’s old news by now, but I’m going to post it just so I remember it later.

Ill tell you what I learned from Bobby Knight: everybody’s got the will to win but when it comes time to doing something, it’s always about someone else. Not many people have the will to prepare. You got to be willing to know your product and environment better than anybody. No matter what you do there is someone out there trying to kick your ass. You got to be the smartest guy in the room about your product. Then you need to have a revenue source. You need a company with a revenue to make money. Concept, competition, and where the money is — plus something you love doing. I’ve never had a day of work. When I die I want to come back as me.

taken from the
Mark Cuban interview at the TC50

digital memories

recently i went digging through old memories. and i realized that there are critical periods of my life from which i seem to have few recorded memories. my life stream is absent – only true biological memories are easily accessible.

no doubt i could dig through the past if i wanted to – but why take the time?

i’ve made a promise to myself to take more pictures, video, and capture more memories.

the mundane ones, the not-special ones – those memories are by far most precious.

information expectation

Increasingly, as we begin to publish more and more, how much do we expect people to “just know” and how much can we repeat ourselves? When you publish your calendar to friends, or make status updates via Twitter or Facebook – do you expect your friends / contacts to keep up with you?

When you have a lot to say, it can be annoying to repeat yourself.

Then again, sometimes when you have a lot to say, it might be most wise to remain silent.

subconscious associations

I logged into my symbols for facebook” title=”music symbols for facebook”>music sharing service to find songs / albums / artists that are similar to Postal Service’s “Such Great Heights”.

I was recommended a delightful song by Architecture in Helsinki – “Souvenirs”. I give it a go, and sure enough, it’s pleasing to the ear… at first. I start to get this sinking feeling that something’s not right, the song seems familiar, but not in a good way.

Yup. Product association. I definitely remember hearing the tune during a Sprint commercial in a movie theatre. I can’t remember the time or the place – but I’m sure it was the song.

Trash. Another perfectly normally good song ruined by an ill association.

I am ever so thankful that U2 keeps it’s songs (mostly) out of commercial placements.